Complete Story


NMMA Federal and State Agenda


  • U.S. Coast Guard Bill
    • Final push for Congress to pass this legislation, after passing through both House and Senate committees, aimed at ensuring a strong United States Coast Guard and with specific language critical to boating safety such as the use of flares and lanyards.
  • Infrastructure
    • With tax reform signed into law, look for Congress to act on a major investment into the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, which for the NMMA team means addressing a number of priorities including the backlog of repairs, outdoor recreation access and investment in public-private partnerships.
  • Trade
    • There will be a push to work with negotiators on keeping and improving the North Alliance Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
  • Modern Fish
    • After the Modern Fish Act passed a House Committee vote in late 2018, NMMA will work to move the bill forward for full approval from both the House and Senate, ultimately getting it to the President’s desk.


  • Carbon Monoxide Monitors
    • Lobby for passage of a law requiring carbon monoxide detectors on all boats with enclosed accommodations.
  • Protect Wakesurfing Access
    • Watersports Industry Association and NMMA will create a national program to protect access for wakesurfers while moving forward to repeal restrictions on wakesurfing boats.
  • Prop Guards
    • Work to prevent enactment of laws in Hawaii and New York requiring the use of prop guards, which have been found to be ineffective.
  • Fishing
    • Participate in a California Initiative to increase fishing participation and enhance revenue for the state Department of Fish and Wildlife, an initiative promoted by the California Sportfishing League, which is led by NMMA.
  • Blue Accent Lights
    • Provide NMMA BMD and accessory manufacturers guidance on the use of blue-colored accent lights on vessels.
  • Access
    • Lobby against Florida legislation that would establish special designations for coral reefs that could lead to unwarranted bans on access for boaters, divers and anglers.
  • Taxes
    • Continued monitoring of tax issues across many states, including those that are implementing caps on the amount of taxes for new boat buyers, and those that are looking to increase or create new taxes on recreation due to dire budgetary chaos.
  • Titling

Continue to advocate for uniform title requirements in all fifty states to benefit the buyer, seller, loan institutions and law enforcement.

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